Learn how to specify our versatile Multiverse® System for your projects.
Transform environments into extraordinary experiences.

A complete rethink of the ubiquitous track lighting system from a convenience option to a way of connecting spaces with the human experience via the senses. Its inconspicuous and unified design fades into the periphery. Its simple grid logic provides radical design optionality. And its powerful technology drives new levels of performance in the smallest possible footprint.

Modularity. Innovation. Limitless possibilities.
Designers of the Invisible Harmony

Our roots are undeniably in light, but we play with light through a dimension that doesn't just function, but also signals something, generates curiosity, and draws emotion. Here light is not the focus, but the energy source of allure and discovery.
We Grid

The Grid forms the foundation of our business. It connects all of our products and services with a singular philosophy defined by simplicity, modularity, technology and connectivity.
Learn how to specify our versatile Multiverse® System for your projects.
Download the guide now.
For detailed step-by-step instructions, download the “Multiverse®—How to Specify” guide.