Business of Furniture Magazine features Mel Saenz, VP of Relationship Management at Juniper in their Women Leaders in Design issue. Saenz shares her experience as a woman in the New York architectural community for the past 17 years. "As a woman, I've experienced pay...
Designer Pages recognizes Juniper's one of a kind Multiverse system. Highlighted as the new age of track lighting, the article shares how the Multiverse system updates the outdated notion of a ceiling-bound metal strip and three can-shaped lights into a flexible and...
The new headquarters for fuboTV was designed by drawing inspiration from sports teams, uniforms, stadiums, and fields. An elevated sports aesthetic was brought to life in bold fonts and decorative elements which alluded to the line graphics found on sports fields and...
In conjunction with the opening of Moynihan Hall, its railway client envisioned a flagship venue in New York City that would provide travelers with an exclusive, VIP experience. The company took this opportunity to rebrand its former club and created a new transport...