YODEZEEN designed the 19th floor Colossus Apartment project in Kyiv, Ukraine based off wanting to reverse the idea, "that a man's home is characterized by exclusively dark colors, and abundance of metal, and a glass of whiskey on the table." To do this they designed...
Completed in 2020, Estate Homes did a full remodel of a couple's Kirkland Condo in Kirkland, Washington. The design team at Estates Homes aimed to recreate the condo with the concept of simple but elegant, as well as, "providing the owners with a rich experience as...
Aria Group partnered with Crust Brewing to create a space that showcases the owners' love for craft beer, quality food, and hospitality in Rosemont, Illinois. "The design focuses on the blending of elements to create an environment that is dynamic and inviting."...
An apartment in Saint Petersburgh, Russia was designed by Cartelle Design with the goal to "create an interior that combines a modern interpretation of classical elements and minimalism." With this combination of opposite styles the architects referenced classic...